The happiness jet skiing can bring can be priceless. No other feeling can match the exhilaration we feel when pacing through strong waves with our jet ski. But taking a jet ski on the water is the first thing you have to do before you start any skiing. And doing it right is very important so you don’t accidentally sink it. But sometimes people find their skis sinking and wonder, what would cause a jet ski to take on water?
From You need to carry your jet ski to the water using a trailer, towed by your car. At the launching point, drive the car backward with the back of the trailer facing the water. Stop when the jet ski starts to float. Finally, release the jet ski from the trailer to enjoy your adventurous ride.
This article will guide you through all the reasons jet skis may fill up with water. I will also guide you through each of the steps to launch your jet ski into the water without the risk of sinking it. So, without further ado, let’s get right to it.
Why Do Jet Skis Take On Water And Sink?
As you know, prevention is always better than cure. If you know the common reasons for jet skis to take on water, you get the chance to address those issues and keep it afloat for the ultimate fun. Here I have listed the common reasons for a jet ski to sink.
Faulty Drain Plugs
As you can imagine, jet skis have separate plugs to let go of the water that accumulates inside the vehicle while you have fun in the water. You have to remove the drain plug and let the water out after each session of riding the jet ski.
If you forget to open the drain plug regularly, or if the drain plug does not work properly and leave the water inside the jet ski, the water vehicle can sink the next time you take it to the water.
Improper Towing
If the hull of the jet ski is damaged while you get it onto the trailer or while you are towing it to the water, it can sink. You must try to avoid any type of bump while towing it to the water.
Sometimes, the wrecks at the hull of the jet ski are so thin that you may not be able to see them. That is why it is necessary to follow the proper procedure to get the jet ski into the trailer and tow it to the water.
If there is an unwanted bump, consult a professional to analyze the damage before floating the jet ski into the water.
Lack of Maintenance
Like any delicate high-tech machine, jet skis demand proper maintenance. You should check the rubber seals of the hull to prevent it from sudden sinkings.
They need to be replaced with a new one whenever they are damaged. Covering the jet ski when you are not using it is also a good practice.
Take the jet ski to a service center whenever you hear any unusual sound from the engine. At least twice a year, you should get the jet ski to a professional for a checkup of all its main parts.
Since any fatal accident can take your life, you cannot take any chances. Can you?
7 Steps to Take a Jet Ski into Water Without Sinking it
Here I am sharing the appropriate method to take your jet ski into the water without sinking it. Please do not miss any part of this step-by-step procedure to avoid costly accidents.
Step 1 – Get a Trailer
The best way to get your jet ski into the water is by using a trailer. This trailer will carry the jet ski right from your house to the launching pad of the water. Check the payload of the trailer to make sure it can carry your jet ski.
Closely monitor the wheels of the trailer, since you may need to tow it with your car through all the traffic in the road.
You also have to make sure that your car can tow the overall weight of the jet ski and trailer. Remember each car has the capacity of towing other vehicles.
Take a look at the tow ball of the trailer too. The size of the tow ball should be compatible with your car.
Step 2 – Attach the Hitch
To me, this is the most important part of the whole procedure of taking your jet ski into the water. First of all, carefully fix the tow hitch of the car with the trailer. By no chance, it can be left loose. Then close the latch with due attention.
After closing the latch, you should use a separate padlock on it to confirm it does not come out even with a hard brake on the way to the launching area. You need to check if the safety chains of the trailer are completely covering the jet ski.
Step 3 – Put on the Travel Straps
It is the travel straps that will hold your jet ski with the trailer. So, make sure to use a strap that is not tempered by any means. If needed get a new travel strap for the jet ski.
Tie up the jet ski with the travel strap. You need to cover the front and the rear of the watercraft with the travel strap at the same time. Make it as tight as possible.
Step 4 – Drive Towards the Launching Pad
Now, carefully drive your car towing the trailer with the jet ski to the launching pad of the water. Be very careful while making a turn with the trailer. You need to keep in mind the total length of the car along with the length of the trailer while making room for the turn.
To avoid collision between your car and the trailer, be very cautious while pushing the brake paddle. The safety chains will not be able to avoid collision between the car and the trailer if there is a hard brake. So, drive slowly and keep a safe distance from the trailer when you need to halt the car.
Step 5 – Position the Car and the Trailer
After reaching the launching pad, you have to position your car and the trailer in a proper position and launch it into the water. The positioning should be perpendicular to the water. The back of the trailer should face the water and the front of your car should be facing the opposite direction.
Your car and the trailer with the jet ski should be aligned in a straight line. If the position of the trailer is not completely straight, drive a bit forward till the trailer is straight.
Step 6 – Move to the Launching Zone
Now, putting your car in the back gear, slowly move towards the launching point of the water. If the trailer loses its straight position on the way, make it straight again following the previous step.
Keep driving backward with the back of the trailer in the leading position till you reach the water. You will stop only when you are sure that the jet ski in the trailer is floating in the water.
Step 7 – Untie the Jet Ski
This is the last step to get your jet ski into the water. Now that your jet ski is already in the water, you have to release it from the trailer.
Getting hold of the jet ski, open up the travel straps that were keeping it tied to the trailer. Now your jet ski is ready to roar in the water. Get the trailer parked in the designated parking area along with the car.
What to Do When Your Jet Ski Sinks?
Well, the first thing you obviously need to do is take your jet ski out of the water. The longer you ski remains submerged the more water damage will occur. So, get it out fast. Then you need to cut off any connection between your ski battery and other parts. This means take out the spark plugs and set them aside.
Next, you need to get all the water out of the motor. Turn on your motor and step back. Unless you are ready for a splash of oil and water slurry. Do this until you have no more water gushing out the of the motor.
Now, take your spark plug and use a kitchen towel or something with good absorption to wipe it down. Get it as dry as you can then use a blow dryer to get any remaining moisture off. Then add some anti-seize reinstall the spark plugs back.
If this doesn’t work, take it to a good mechanic and he or she will provide you the best possible solution.
Final Words
What would cause a jet ski to take on water should be the first thing you wonder when taking you ski to the waters for the first time. As this happens more often than you think.
The fun of taking your jet ski on the water will multiply if you can do it properly. If your jet ski sinks right after you take it to the waters, that wouldn’t be the best of scenarios. So, pay attention to the instructions I’ve provided in this article and follow them accordingly. Thanks for reading till the end. And have fun skiing!